HydroAnalytical Lab aims to provide innovative, high quality water resource and hydrologic analytical services to ensure clean and safe water for public health and support research on water quality and quantity. Not only does the Lab provide analytical services to a vast diversity of customers, including government agencies, public industries, researchers, and private clients. HydroAnalytical offers extensive research capabilities that allow collaboration between faculty and students at WKU and externally. Our facility offers progressive, customized services in inorganic/general chemistry, metals, organic chemistry/volatiles, microbiology, and field sampling and analyses for wastewater, stormwater, drinking water, groundwater, and industrial testing.
HydroAnalytical also takes pride in offering EPA-certified microbiological testing for drinking water and wastewater. To help serve our customers further, we offer sample collection, sample pickup, and electronic form reporting, as well as guaranteed two-week data turnaround. We are proud to serve south-central Kentucky and the surrounding region’s water analysis needs.